3-15-7. George Howard Darwin to H. Poincaré

30 January 1900

Newnham Grange—Cambridge

Dear Monsieur Poincaré,

I was very glad to hear that you will be able to be present at the R.A.S. on Feb. 9th.11 1 Darwin informed Poincaré by letter on 12.01.1901 (§ 3-15-5) that he had been designated to receive the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, and invited him to participate in the award ceremony to be held in London on 09.02.1900. For the award speech, see Darwin (1900).

I now write to say that the Society has a dinner in the evening, and that it will give me much pleasure if you will be my guest on that occasion.

I remain, Yours very sincerely

G. H. Darwin

ALS 1p. Collection particulière, Paris 75017.

Time-stamp: "21.01.2016 01:13"


  • G. H. Darwin (1900) Presentation of the Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society to M. Henri Poincaré. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 60, pp. 406–415. External Links: Link Cited by: footnote 1.