H. Poincaré to Eugénie Launois
[Sans date]
Ma chère maman,
Il n’y a naturellement rien de neuf; nous avons rallonge et prolonge; nous sortons lundi. Je pourrais vous annoncer comme vieille nouvelle que M. Plock est parti comme canonnier servant de deuxième classe au 19e à Valence et a été remplacé par basoff.
Für Alina
2 Is this woman miss Courtet
3 Is this atom of the family of the oxygen, chlore, azote or silicium
4 Is this composed an acid or an oxid
9 Was the atom, in the first péripety, without any other atom, or in binary, ternary, etc. composed. You have understood very good what I have writen to you in the English language; but I have not found that she concealed herself behind her great father. I never have lost her of sight.
Erratum, the other day, I have written to you: “Dreyfuss fand” I ought to have writen “Dreyfuss found”.
AL 2p. Collection particulière, 75017 Paris.
Last edit: 4.07.2011