La Correspondance d’Henri Poincaré, Vol. 3: Abréviations
Abrév. | Meaning | Signification |
ADft | Autograph draft | Brouillon autographe |
ADftS | Autograph draft signed | Brouillon autographe signé |
AC | Autograph postcard | Carte postale |
ACS | Autograph postcard signed | Carte postale signée |
AL | Autograph letter | Autographe lettre |
ALS | Autograph letter signed | Autographe lettre signée |
ALSX | ALS photocopy | ALS photocopie |
AD | Autograph document | Document autographe |
ADS | Autograph document signed | Document autographe signé |
PD | Printed document | Document imprimé |
PTrL | Printed transcript of a letter | Transcription imprimée d’une lettre |
TDS | Typed document signed | Document dactylographié signé |
TL | Typed letter | Lettre dactylographiée |
TLS | Typed letter signed | Lettre dactylographiée signée |
TrL | Transcript of a letter | Transcription d’une lettre |
Time-stamp: " 4.01.2016 16:14"